


Research Network on Acute and Chronic Leukaemias

Up to 12.000 individuals in Germany come down with leukaemia every year. Despite of all progress in the research and therapy of this disease, only a third of all adult leukaemia patients can be cured

Leukaemia is a malignant disease of the haematopoietic system. Depending on the form, leukaemia can be fatal within some weeks (acute leukaemia) or develop over a period of several years (chronic leukaemias). Often, chronic leukaemias in early stages remain unperceived for a long time.

Optimal therapy care is highly dependent on a fast and reliable transfer of research results to patient care.

Main objective of the Competence Network „acute and chronic leukaemias” is the enhancement of the leukaemia patients´ prognosis. This goal can be achieved by:

  • Consolidated design and accomplishment of national and international clinical studies
  • German and European registry of clinical leukaemia studies
  • European patient registry
  • Standards and guidelines in diagnostics, therapy and study accomplishment
  • Interdisciplinary Exchange Educational training

Networked research creates fast information transfer, enhances transparency and thus leads to better confidence. 

Today, more than 400 research institutes and clinical centres constitute the Competence Network of Leukemias. Together we have made substantial progress in our goal: to improve the diagnosis and therapy of leukaemia patients. 


> Research Network on Acute and Chronic Leukaemias


> overview networks

