


 Competence Network on Asthma / COPD


With regard to prevalence, morbidity, mortality and costs, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as asthma bronchial, become more important worldwide. It is known, that patients with COPD not only suffer from the limitations directly induced by their lung disease. They may also develop relevant disorders of other organs that could be systemic manifestations of the disease influencing the prognosis.

The competence network Asthma/COPD funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research includes two subprojects: COSYCONET and Asthma-MRI. 

The core of COSYCONET will be a large longitudinal register of 3000 COPD patients of different severities that will be carefully and repeatedly evaluated with regard to their lung disease and possible pathologic changes in other organs. In addition, several projects ranging from animal to human studies will deal with various specific questions with regard to systemic inflammation induced by lung disease and its consequences on organ functions.

The aim of Asthma-MRI is to develop and evaluate new methods of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) -as a method without radiation exposure- for the diagnosis and monitoring of COPD and asthma. These new MRI methods developed in this project will bring advantage to the specific diagnosis of COPD and asthma for an earlier decision making of the right therapy and provides an essential method for the follow-up of the registered patients in COSYCONET. 


 > Competence Network on Asthma / COPD


> overview networks

www.asconet.de (work in progress)
