


Research Network on Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease is one of the most common human neurodegenerative diseases. In Germany about 200,000 people suffer from this disorder, which was named after the British physician James Parkinson, who described it in 1817. The medical research network on Parkinson's disease (CNP) is a project which was supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) between 1999 and 2008.

The CNP managed to coordinate basic and clinical research in Parkinson’s disease. Databanks – patient registry, biomaterial bank – have been arranged and study groups for the enforcement of pharmacological and neurological-neurosurgical studies were founded by the CNP. Today the study groups are nationally and internationally known and they are established as professional partners of the industry. 

Amongst others the close connection between research and health care serves to push on the  transfer of results from the research network to health care centres in order to improve the treatment of Parkinson's patients. In CNP projects are realized to evaluate status and costs of patient care and to improve the patient care with new strategies.


> Research Network on Parkinson's Disease


> overview networks

